
We understand that finding the right car parts at affordable prices can be a challenge, which is why we're committed to offering you the best discount at Car Part Mall

Terms of Service and information

Contenido desplegable

Store Polices

Please check if the part is compatible with your vehicle, use the part number as a reference and look at the pictures carefully

You will receive exactly the item you see in the pictures.
Used items may show signs of wear.

Contact us before returning or purchasing an order

Our products are tested before they are published. They are 100% original OEM products. We offer 30 days for returns.

We ship FREE within the continental 48 US states.
Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Guam email us for shipping price.


Shipping & Return

Get unparalleled service and exceptional quality with our guaranteed warranty 30 days and free shipping within the continental 48 US states. Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Guam email us for shipping price.

To return a part you must contact us, 30 day money back guarantee unless otherwise stated.

30-day money back guarantee unless otherwise stated. The 30-day period begins when you take possession of the piece.

In the event that a part sold under warranty fails to function within the warranty period, we will replace the part or parts with a functionally equivalent part or refund the purchase price of the part, at our option.

To return a part, you must contact us within the 30 day period. Please include a sheet of paper in the box stating the reason for returning the item and return shipping costs are paid by the client.


Car Part Mall, 7943 Howell Dr, Westerville, OH 43081

Contact us

We understand that finding the right parts for your needs can be overwhelming, but worry not! Our team is dedicated to responding favorably to all your requirements and needs.

So why wait? Start exploring our wide range of products and let us help you find exactly what you're looking for!

Contact us:

Location: 7943 Howell Dr, Westerville, OH 43081

Technical support: through chat on the website